Spiritual Sustainability as the Core EssenceView project
Spiritual Sustainability as the Core Essence For Architect Hồ Viết Vinh, a sustainable structure must encompass multiple dimensions: structural sustainability, environmental sustainability, aesthetic sustainability, and cultural sustainability. Yet, there is one essential, foundational element that underpins them all: spiritual sustainability. One of his upcoming and most cherished projects currently in development is the Trịnh Công […]
AURAView project
Inviting a contemplation of the divine within the mundane, a glimpse into the aura of life itself, forever capturing the transient light and darkness that dance within the soul’s depths. (Aura, Acrylic on canvas, 130x97cm, Maison de Corail.2024)
RED KINGDOM – Masterplan of Brickyard village at Mang Thit, Mang Thit District, Vinh Long provinceView project
“This is a project to preserve and develop the Mang Thit traditional brick and masonry heritage area, combining production space and water landscape. This area is planned into a contemporary product with different functional layers: preserving ceramic tile craft villages, expanding living space along the river and recreating the unique river landscape of the South. […]
Lời khuyên cho các Kiến trúc sư trẻView project
“Kiến trúc sư cần phát triển khả năng suy nghĩ sáng tạo, đột phá các giới hạn thông thường mà AI có thể khó bắt chước. Các ý tưởng độc đáo, cảm xúc sâu sắc và nghệ thuật trừu tượng luôn khó được mô phỏng bởi AI, vì chúng phụ thuộc nhiều vào trải nghiệm […]